Christ Church PCA Trussville

Christ Church PCA is a member of the Presbyterian Church in America community located in Trussville, Alabama. For the past eight years, the church has been operating out of the local YMCA and is in need of additional space and resources to fit its growing congregation.

In order to remain in the Trussville area, Christ Church purchased property at 114 Watterson Parkway, a wooded site with panoramic views of the city’s downtown. TURNERBATSON was hired to build an all-new facility including a three-phased master plan.

The 11,600 sq.ft. project includes a 400-seat worship center, gathering areas, adult and children’s classrooms, administrative offices, and multi-purpose space. The exterior design is reflective of the historic character of Trussville and features stone, brick, and hardie-board siding.

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